Telegram for Windows phone

Download Telegram App for your Windows Phone and enjoy text messaging with yours friends.  Download Telegram for Windows Phone 7, Windows Phone 7.5, Windows Phone 7.8, Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 8.1 operating system versions. Windows Phone (successor to Windows Mobile) is a smartphone OS developed by Microsoft and was made to be a strong competitor against iOS ( Apple ) and Android ( Google ).  

We wil tell you about some features of using Telegram for Windows phone. It Telegram all users have the opportunity to search for images in the Internet. For example, if in a conversation you want to send a picture with some sort of defined frame, it can be done in seconds by simply entering the corresponding request in the search. Download the new Messenger Telegram, and share with friends, funny pictures, musical novelties and huge text messages.  

Initially Telegram Messenger  belonged to the fund of Ilya Shcherbovich, rival of maker VKontakte Pavel Durov. A few years ago, the fund of Shcherbovich acquired 48% shares of Vkontakte and between Ilya and Paul was a conflict.

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According to Shcherbovich, Durov used his position in the social network for the development of competing firms messenger and Durov, in turn, argued that the fund illegally obtained rights to signs and logoTelegram in the United States.

Their conflict they tried to resolve in court, but the judge's verdict cited to anything. Both competitors have created their version of Telegram .Rivals  claim their rights to the brand, and they will even ship the process in the United States. We also remind you that is a direct competitor of Telegram  - application Viber, which captures more and more users.

Download Telegram for Windows Phone